defense spending


On this Roundtable episode of the Defense & Aerospace Report Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guests are Byron Callan of the independent equity research firm Capital Alpa Partners, Dov Zakheim, PhD, former DoD comptroller, now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Patrick Cronin, PhD, the chair for Asia-Pacific Security at the Hudson Institute and Chris Servello, a founder of Provision Advisors (and Defense and Aerospace team member).


The urgent coronavirus crisis has not eclipsed pre-existing strategic conundrums like Russian threats to Europe and NATO and the urgency of adapting the alliance to meet them. Moscow shows no sign of negotiating on Ukraine or reducing its information warfare and other threats to European security, quite the opposite.


Today, NATO advertises itself under version 3.0 — a forward-looking orientation to renewing the strength and readiness of its forces while addressing emerging challenges that confront the Alliance. If versions one and two addressed Cold War challenges and out-of-area operations, this third incarnation reinforces the solidarity of the Alliance through increased readiness, strengthened capabilities and credible deterrence to face new challenges. The Allies are engaging in new domains (space and cyber), reinvigorating the command structure and the political controls governing it, recognizing new competitors (China) and facing old adversaries (Russia) with firmness and resolve. There is much to be optimistic about in NATO’s agenda.


Rep. Gil Cisneros, D-Calif., a member of the House Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, discusses the Trump Administration’s 2021 Navy budget request and balancing defense investment and social spending with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. The interview was conducted at the Amphibious Warship Industrial Coalition’s annual congressional breakfast on Capitol Hill on Feb. 11, 2020.

RNDF 2019

Rep. Mike Gallagher, PhD, R-Wisc., member of House Armed Services Committee, discusses Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger’s guidance to the force, making tough defense tradeoffs, outlook for spending and more with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the 2019 Reagan National Defense Forum at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif. Our coverage was sponsored by Boeing and Leonardo DRS.

RNDF 2019

Peter Hultqvist, Sweden’s defense minister, discusses his message at the Reagan National Defense Forum, the partnership among Washington, Stockholm and Helsinki, Russia, Sweden’s priorities with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the 2019 Reagan Forum at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif. Our coverage is sponsored by Boeing and Leonardo DRS.

HISF 2019

Harjit Singh Sajjan, Canada’s new reappointed minister of national defense, discusses the Trudeau government’s plan to sharply increase defense spending, national security priorities, equipment and infrastructure modernization programs and Canada’s growing advocacy for human rights and democracy worldwide with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the Halifax International Security Forum in Nova Scotia, Canada. Our coverage was sponsored by Boeing and Leonardo DRS.


Lt. Col. Dakota Wood, USMC Ret., senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, discusses the guidance by Gen. David Berger, USMC, the new US Marine Corps commandant, to better prepare his force for rapidly emerging challenges, focusing on innovative concepts to deliver amphibious capability, importance of more numbers rather than fewer more “exquisite” platforms, the defense budget outlook and the need to make hard choices with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the think tank’s Washington headquarters after an address by Berger.


Eric Fanning, President and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association, discuss the key takeaways from the 2019 Paris airshow, defense and aerospace spending trends, the impact of mergers and acquisition’s on his membership base, and the international rocketry competition at Le Bourget on the 50th anniversary year of the Apollo 11 moon landing with Defense and or Space report Editor Vago Muradian. Our coverage of the 2019 Paris airshow is sponsored by Belle and Leonardo DRS

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