CAVASShips Weekly Podcast

CAVASShips Weekly Podcast

Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…the recent sinking of a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine while under construction is one of several recent Chinese naval developments. Naval analyst and veteran submarine Thom Shugart is back with us to dive into multiple submarines, aircraft carriers and a growing and ever-more-menacing Chinese Coast Guard.

CAVASShips Weekly Podcast

Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…the commercial ship repair business is a major key to keeping the US Navy’s ships in fighting trim but – like just about everything — it is rife with problems and issues. Paul Smith, head of ship repair at one of the Navy’s largest commercial repair yards, BAE Systems, is back with us to key in on the difficulties and issues surrounding the repair of US Navy ships.

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CAVASShips Weekly Podcast

Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…Damage to the US Navy’s fleet oiler supporting the Abraham Lincoln Carrier strike group in US Central Command has focused attention on the Military Sealift Command’s ability to meet the fleet’s needs. Maritime shipping experts Sal Mercogliano and John Konrad are back with us for a deep dive.

CAVASShips Weekly Podcast

Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…Chief of Naval Operations Lisa Franchetti released her NAVPLAN 2024 this week with two key components–get the Navy ready to compete and if needed fight the PRC Navy by 2027 and to make the Navy a more capable part of the joint warfighting ecosystem. Joining us to discuss the details of the plan, what he liked and where he would like to see more detail is retired naval officer, navalist and friend of the pod Bryan McGrath. 

Please send us feedback by DM’ing @CavasShips or @CSSProvision or you can email or

CAVASShips Weekly Podcast

Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…It’s no secret the US Navy is seeking ways to find better ways to build ships – but what are some of these efforts producing? And where is the accountability for billions of dollars going to – a non-profit organization? We’ll talk about some of the elements with Sam LaGrone of USNI News, who will also review his recent trip with Chris Cavas to visit shipbuilders along the US Gulf coast.

CAVASShips Weekly Podcast

Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…Cavas traveled to Mobile, Alabama last week for an up-close look at what Austal USA’s shipyard is working on – and the scope of their projects is impressive. He spoke with shipyard president Michelle Kruger about where the shipyard is now, where it’s headed and what challenges she’s dealing with.
Please send us feedback by DM’ing @CavasShips or @CSSProvision or you can email or

CAVASShips Weekly Podcast

Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…a special edition of the pod as Cavas is on the Gulf Coast visiting shipyards. In this episode he talks to Kari Wilkinson, executive vice president of HII and president of Ingalls Shipbuilding about recruiting and retaining a talented workforce, the supply chain as well as the numerous shipbuilding programs currently underway at the Pascagoula yard.

CAVASShips Weekly Podcast

Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…US Navy surface force issues were front and center at the recent Surface Navy Association waterfront event in San Diego. SNA executive director Chris Bushnell is here with some of his impressions. And the US Navy’s Military Sealift Command is planning to cut up to 17 ships to ease a manning crisis. Sam LaGrone of USNI News, who broke the story, will join us. 

CAVASShips Weekly Podcast

Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…we are joined by retired Vice Admiral John “Fozzie” Miller, former commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command to discuss the likelihood of Iranian aggression and what the US Navy and its partners and allies can do to deter and respond if necessary. 

CAVASShips Weekly Podcast

Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…September 15 marks three years since the historic AUKUS partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States was announced. There has been no shortage of pronouncements from senior leaders of all three countries about the agreement’s progress and potential, we don’t hear much about what the program looks like from Down Under. On today’s podcast we’ll talk with Brisbane, Australia-based journalist Alex Luck about how Aussies themselves feel about the agreement – its cost, the implications and their country’s commitment over the long haul.

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