![CAVASSHIPS Podcast [Jun 02, ’23] Ep: 97 Layoffs at BAE San Diego](https://defaeroreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CAVASShips_Podcast-351x185.jpg)
CAVASSHIPS Podcast [Jun 02, ’23] Ep: 97 Layoffs at BAE San Diego
Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…while the US Navy and its commercial ship yards work together the service puts most of its repair jobs up for bid, and with competition comes risk. Now one of the largest ship repair yards on the West Coast is laying off nearly 300 employees due to a shortage of work. We’ll talk with Paul Smith, head of BAE Systems’ ship repair business, about his yards in San Diego, Norfolk and Jacksonville and the challenges of doing business with the U.S. Navy.
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