
Navy News

NEWPORT NEWS, Va.  — The champagne bottle hit the cold steel hull and bounced off it did not break. Undaunted, the Honorable Caroline Bouvier Kennedy, former U.S. Ambassador to Japan and daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy pulled back and again swung the glass bottle with the force of a baseball player hitting a home run.Uttering for the second time in 52-years Kennedy the words “I christen thee United States Ship John F. Kennedy, may God bless this ship and all who sail her” – the second swing did the job.

Navy News

The Navy was kept in the dark by Huntington Ingalls’ leadership about the severity of engineering issues with Advanced Weapons Elevators on the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford according to Navy’s top civilian official speaking with reporters Sunday at Naval Station Norfolk.

Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer minced no words after being questioned about the Ford’s struggles and recent lawmaker comments about the ship shortly after arriving back ashore from a several hour visit to the ship, which is undergoing trials off the Virginia Coast.

Fleet Operations

Just completed by the aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower is a “Tailored Ship’s Training Availability,” an event capped off by a “Final Evaluation Problem.” This combination of events, put on by Naval Air Forces, Atlantic and the Navy’s Afloat Training Group, tests the ship’s training level to gauge how well each ship, assigned staffs and the air wing are not only trained as a unit, but also their ability to integrate with the strike group.