![CAVASSHIPS Podcast [Dec 16, ’22] Episode 78…2022 The Year in Review](https://defaeroreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CAVASShips_Podcast-351x185.jpg)
CAVASSHIPS Podcast [Dec 16, ’22] Episode 78…2022 The Year in Review
Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…2022, THE YEAR IN REVIEW. We’re joined by noted naval commentators Bryan Clark and Jerry Hendrix to take a look at what went well for the US Navy in 2022, what didn’t do as well, and what to look for in 2023. It’s a great discussion we hope you’ll enjoy.
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