![CAVASSHIPS Podcast [Sep 29, ’23] Ep: 113 Underway on GW](https://defaeroreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CAVASShips_Podcast-351x185.jpg)
CAVASSHIPS Podcast [Sep 29, ’23] Ep: 113 Underway on GW
Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…A special report, at sea aboard the aircraft carrier USS GEORGE WASHINGTON. The ship emerged in May from the longest-ever overhaul of any US aircraft carrier and is working up to return next year as the US Navy’s forward-deployed carrier in Japan. You’ll hear from the ship’s captain and others we talked to during a two-day embark at sea.