On this Washington Roundtable episode of the Defense & Aerospace Report Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guests in segment one are Michael Bayer, the chairman of the Defense Business Board and the president of the Dumbarton Strategies consultancy, and Arnold Punaro, the chairman of the National Defense Industrial Association and CEO of the Punaro Group consultancy to discuss the ongoing presidential transition and how to best accomplish the monumental task of a peaceful transition of power. 
In segment two our guests are Dov Zakheim, PhD, former DoD comptroller, now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Gordon Adams, PhD, Non-Resident Fellow at the Quincy Institute, and Michael Herson, President and CEO, American Defense International. 


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Heather Conley, the director of the Europe Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, discusses how allies view the US presidential election, the outlook for transatlantic relations, the rise of protectionism and the future of American troops in Germany with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell,  we bring you part two of our interview with Tim Dare, the deputy director for prototyping and software in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, but first Byron Callan of the independent equity research firm Capital Alpha Partners and Chris Servello, a founder of Provision Advisors (and Defense and Aerospace team member) provide initial observations from yesterday’s election.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Tim Dare, the deputy director for prototyping and software in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, discusses his unique role to plug capability gaps between combatant commander operational needs and existing military programs, top priority efforts, addressing needs with agility and speed,  transitioning prototypes to production, harnessing innovation across DoD, industry and academia and more with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guest  David Albritton, the president of General Motors Defense, discusses the company’s victory in the US Army’s Infantry Fighting Vehicle competition, delivering the first batch of vehicles months after contract award and plans to grow it’s defense contracting footprint with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this special episode of the Defense & Aerospace Report Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guests Michael Bayer, the chairman of the Defense Business Board and the president of the Dumbarton Strategies consultancy, and Arnold Punaro, the chairman of the National Defense Industrial Association and CEO of the Punaro Group consultancy, discuss the ongoing presidential transition and how to best accomplish the monumental task of a peaceful transition of power with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this Roundtable episode of the Defense & Aerospace Report Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guests are Dov Zakheim, PhD, former DoD comptroller, now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Gordon Adams, PhD, Non-Resident Fellow at the Quincy Institute, Byron Callan of the independent equity research firm Capital Alpha Partners, Mackenzie Eaglen of the American Enterprise Institute, Michael Herson, President and CEO, American Defense International and Chris Servello, a founder of Provision Advisors (and Defense and Aerospace team member).

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