On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Byron Callan of the independent Washington research firm Capital Alpha Partners discusses the importance of speed as a factor in deterring Russia from further aggression against Ukraine, lessons from the 1991 Gulf War, threats from Iran and North Korea, his latest Defense Scorecard and expectations for the Treasury Department’s Jan. 12 fourth quarter 2021 figures and other issues to consider over the coming year with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


In this year-end episode of The DownLink, Laura Winter unravels a space threat story through three key interviews with Donald Kessler, the now-retired NASA astrophysicist who first theorized what is now known as the “Kessler Syndrome”; Brian Weeden a space policy analyst and advocate from the Secure World Foundation; and Robin Dickey, a space policy and strategy analyst with the Aerospace Corporation. But first, Laura first gives us her top three 2021 data points with effects that she believes will punch through into 2022 and beyond.


On this last episode of 2021, Byron Callan of the independent Washington research firm Capital Alpha Partners discusses the key stories of the year that will help shape 2022; and in celebration of Festivus, Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and International Studies discusses the top bad national security ideas of the year, airs his grievances and celebrates little miracles with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


Max Brooks, author “World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War” and his latest book “Minecraft: The Island” who is also affiliated with the Institute for Modern War at the US Military Academy where he also teaches, discusses strategy, lessons from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as covid, deterring China and Russia, accelerating capabilities development and culture change, the threat from domestic extremism, and the importance of collaboration between the arts and military members with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. This conversation is part of a series of discussions with leading thinkers and strategists and dedicated to the memory of Andy Marshall, the former director of the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, and sponsored by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems. The Strategy Series is not affiliated with the Andrew W. Marshall Foundation.

Monthly Technology Report

On this episode of the Technology Report, sponsored by GM Defense, Paul Beaker, the chief engineer and director of advanced product development at GM Defense, discusses the company’s approach to product design, engineering, technology and production and how to accelerate program cycles, new families of US Army vehicles, and electrifying new and legacy vehicles with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. 


Last month Russia tested an anti-satellite weapons system, ostensibly as a warning to anyone that may wish to assist Ukraine, the U.S., or NATO. So while it’s clear that military satellites could be targeted, what’s the risk to commercial satellite operators that provide services to the DoD? To get the answers, Laura Winter speaks with David Koplow, former Special Counsel for Arms Control to the General Counsel of the Department of Defense and the Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Law at Georgetown University; Chris Kunstadter, Global Head of Space at AXA XL; and Kaitlyn Johnson, Deputy Director and Fellow, at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Aerospace Security Project.

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