![CAVASSHIPS Podcast [Nov 01, ’24] Ep: 167 Robots to Make Ship Building & Repair More Predictable](https://defaeroreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CAVASShips_Podcast-351x185.jpg)
CAVASSHIPS Podcast [Nov 01, ’24] Ep: 167 Robots to Make Ship Building & Repair More Predictable
Welcome to the CavasShips Podcast with Christopher P. Cavas and Chris Servello…a weekly podcast looking at naval and maritime events and issues of the day – in the US, across the seas and around the world. This week…One of the most difficult parts of the new build and maintenance process is having the right understanding of the condition of all the vessels’ hidden parts and pieces–welds, pipes, tanks and many other covered hardware. Gecko Robotics, a Pittsburgh based company, is helping the Navy solve this problem by using magnetic robots to map these parts and help determine their wear and need for maintenance. Troy Demmer, Gecko’s co-founder joins us to discuss how his company and the Navy are making predictive maintenance more predictive and cost effective.