Strategy Series


Keith Webster, the president of the defense and aerospace council at the US Chamber of Commerce — who last week hosted the defense industrial forum at NATO’s 75th anniversary summit —and Dr. Jerry McGinn, the director of the Baroni Center for Government Contracting at George Mason University, discuss defense industrial takeaways from the gathering of alliance leaders last week in Washington, how to improve industrial capacity, balancing Buy American with Buy Allied sentiments, and more with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On today’s Strategy Series program, sponsored by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Dr. Kathleen McInnis, the director of the Smart Women, Smart Power program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and CSIS Senior Fellow Dan Fata, who served as the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Europe and NATO during the Bush administration, discuss the need to expand the view of burden sharing with allies beyond military and hardware spending to infrastructure and other investment that enhances the alliance’s deterrence and warfighting capabilities, how to more efficiently direct resources as nations spend more money, concerns that Donald Trump will reduce support for NATO should he return to the White House, and why so many are gloomy about the alliance’s 75th anniversary gathering in Washington even as NATO has dramatically improved its spending, war planning, exercises and preparedness over the past few years with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On today’s Strategy Series program, sponsored by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Sam Bendett of the Center for Naval Analyses and Dr. Eugene Rumer, the director of the Russia and Eurasia program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, discuss the cou tours of the war as Moscow presses its offensive and Ukraine responds with new Western weapons and permission to use them against targets in Russia, how Ukraine is using Western weapons to change the strategic dynamic in Crimea, Russian forces learn lessons but still relies on artillery and manpower, the G7’leaders key to supporting Ukraine will survive elections as Russia and China undermine support for them, whether efforts to undermine Putin will succeed, how newly appointed Defense Minister Andrey Belousev is revamping Russia’s military, new tactics and weapons in war, Putin visits North Korea for more support and if Washington can pressure Beijing to halt its military assistance for Moscow, and where Putin’s red lines truly lie as the Russian leader once again resorts to nuclear saber rattling with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this episode of the Defense & Aerospace Report Strategy Series, sponsored by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Amb. Bob Blackwill, a retired American diplomat and former ambassador to India who is now the Henry A. Kissinger senior fellow for foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, and Richard Fontaine, the president and CEO of the Center for a New American Security discuss their new book — Lost Decade: The US Pivot to Asia and the Rise of Chinese Power — that dissects the Obama administration’s Asia Pivot that wasn’t and the gains that China has made over the past decade as a case for a more holistic US grand strategy toward Beijing and the world with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this episode of the Defense & Aerospace Report Strategy Series, sponsored by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Andy Hoehn, the former deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy during the Bush administration who is now the senior vice president for research and analysis at the Rand think tank, and Thom Shanker, a former New York Times deputy Washington editor who is now the director of the Project for Media & National Security at George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs, discuss their book — Age of Danger: Keeping America Safe in an Era of New Superpowers, New Weapons, and New Threats — with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this episode of the Defense & Aerospace Report Strategy Series, sponsored by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Dr. Todor Tagarev, Bulgaria’s former defense minister who is now a professor at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Head of its IT for Security Department and Centre for Security and Defence Management, discusses the interdisciplinary nature of the threat Russia poses to European security, whether efforts to counter Moscow are being successful, lessons from the Ukraine war that are shaping the alliance’s actions, the stakes of the war and whether Vladimir Putin’s calls for ceasefire signify a change in his imperial ambitions, the Russian threat in the Black Sea and how Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey have deepened their partnership, Putin’s nuclear rhetoric and whether nations should heed any of his “red lines,” why more nations should follow France in allowing its weapons to be used by Kyiv against legitimate military targets in Russia that are involved in striking Ukraine, Bulgaria’s sharp rise in defense spending and sweeping military modernization, and more with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this episode of the Defense & Aerospace Report Strategy Series, sponsored by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Dr. Seth Jones, the Harold Brown Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies who leads the think tank’s International Security Program, discusses the status of the Ukraine war as Russia exerts its manpower and weapons advantage to gain ground from weary defenders show on weapons, what’s next in the war, Russia’s shortcomings despite two years of war, lessons China is learning from the war and the West’s sanctions on Russia, a more coordinated strategy to cope with a China, Russia, Iran and North Korea that are working ever more closely together, and more with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On today’s Strategy Series program, sponsored by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, David Sanger, the chief Washington correspondent for The New York Times, discusses his new book with longtime researcher Mary Brooks — “New Cold Wars: China’s Rise, Russia’s Invasion and America’s Struggle to Defend the West” — why leaders failed to accurately understand China and Russia’s rise and ambitions, limits on Western power to shape Beijing and Moscow, the best approach to deterring them, whether we have transitioned from new Cold War to a new state of war, analysis of the Biden administration’s handling of Russia’s nuclear saber rattling, and how to counter China, Russia, Iran and North Korea as they work more closely together to undermine the West with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On today’s Strategy Series program, sponsored by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, former Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist who is now the president and CEO of the National Defense Industrial Association, discusses the trade group’s new “Vital Signs” report that serves as both a report card of US defense industrial health as well as a policy roadmap, inflation and supply chain challenges driven by high defense and commercial demand, the Pentagon’s first ever National Defense Industrial Strategy, whether the $95 billion supplemental for Ukraine, Israel-Gaza and the Indo-Pacific is enough to support allies and refill America’s depleted weapons stocks, and PPBE reform and the unique role of comptrollers in driving innovation.


On today’s Strategy Series program, sponsored by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Sam Bendett of the Center for Naval Analyses and Dr. Eugene Rumer, the director of the Russia and Eurasia program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, discuss the state of the Ukraine war as Russia steadily gains ground as Ukrainian casualties mount thanks to US dithering over aid, Moscow’s goals for the war and whether Vladimir Putin’s claim that all he wants is Ukraine is credible, the global implications of a Russian victory, how quickly aid can arrive in Ukraine even if Congress approves a package today, the kind of capabilities needed to quickly change results on the front lines, whether it’s even possible to counter the Russian propaganda that’s penetrated the upper reaches of US politics especially across the GOP, and last ditch efforts the West must consider to prevent a total Ukrainian rout and possible ways the war ends with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.

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