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In “Reforming the U.S. Approach to Data Protection and Privacy,” a February 2018 report from the Council on Foreign Relations, author Nuala O’Connor, president and CEO of the Center for Democracy & Technology, argues that the US is lagging behind other Western nations when it comes to personal-data protection, since the existing data rules are lackluster and differ between different sectors. “U.S. citizens and companies suffer from this uneven approach—citizens because their data is not adequately protected, and companies because they are saddled with contradictory and sometimes competing requirements,” the report reads.  “It is past time for Congress to create a single legislative data-protection mandate to protect individuals’ privacy and reconcile the differences between state and federal requirements.”


On this week’s episode of the Defense & Aerospace Business Report podcast, sponsored by Bell, we discuss the 2018 Munich Security Conference, the indictment of 13 Russian nationals for allegedly tampering with the 2016 US presidential election, the political implications of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida and more. This week’s guests include Gordon Adams, PhD, American University professor emeritus and Stimson Center distinguished fellow, Byron Callan of Capital Alpha Partners, Steven Grundman of the Atlantic Council and Sash Tusa of Agency Partners.

2018 WEST Conference

Mike Petters, president and CEO of Huntington Ingalls Industries, discusses driving shipbuilding innovation, speed and affordability, cybersecurity, lessons learned from building the USS America (LHA 6) amphibious assault ship for the US Navy and more during a Feb. 8, 2018, interview with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the AFCEA International/US Naval Institute WEST 2018 conference in San Diego. Our coverage was sponsored by Leonardo DRS.


“With Great Power: Modifying US Arms Sales to Reduce Civilian Harm,” a January 2018 joint report from the Center for Civilians in Conflict and the Stimson Center, highlights the “legal, moral, repetitional, and strategic risks” posed by the illicit acquisition or use of weapons built or sold by the US,  “describes major gaps and risks in the US arms sales process” that make negative consequences more likely “especially for civilians in conflict” and presents “recommendations for the State and Defense Departments and the US Congress.” 


Watch the Defense & Aerospace Report’s exclusive video of the complete Amphibious Warship Industrial Base Coalition’s 2018 Congressional Forum, which was held Feb. 15, 2018 in Washington, and included speeches from Gen. Robert Neller, USMC, the 37th US Marine Corps Commandant, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., House Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee chairman, and many more.

2018 WEST Conference

Lt. Gen. Robert “Whaler” Walsh, USMC, commander of the US Marine Corps Combat Development Command, discusses how he’s teaching Marines about and preparing them for the kind of great-power competition emphasized by the Pentagon’s National Defense Strategy, distributed operations, with the US Navy, warfighting research and more during an interview with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the AFCEA International/US Naval Institute WEST 2018 conference in San Diego. Our coverage was sponsored by Leonardo DRS.


Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., chairman of the House Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, says the funding floor for US Navy shipbuilding must be consistent with “this year’s National Defense Authorization Act and the appropriation, which is $26.2 billion and 13 ships” that is $5.2 billion and three vessels more than the Trump administration’s 2019 budget request, that “serial production and predictability” are key to cutting ship cost, and more during a Feb.15, 2018, interview with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian in Washington. The interview was conducted during the Amphibious Warship Industrial Base Coalition’s 2018 Congressional Forum on Capitol Hill.

2018 WEST Conference

Capt. Sam Tangredi, PhD, USN Ret., a US Naval War College professor, discusses the importance of deterring China, how the US can use A2AD to gain strategic control in the South China Sea, aircraft carriers’ significance to the US Navy and more during a February 2018 interview with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the AFCEA International/USNI WEST 2018 conference in San Diego. Our coverage was sponsored by Leonardo DRS.

2018 WEST Conference

After his keynote speech stressing cybersecurity’s urgency in the defense industry, Patrick Shanahan, deputy defense secretary, told reporters that the US Department of Defense must have zero tolerance for cyber insecurity and irreponsibility, expressed confidence “that the Pentagon can move as quickly as industry,” discussed keys to driving change in DoD, and more during a Feb. 6, 2018, press gaggle at the AFCEA International/USNI WEST 2018 conference in San Diego. Our coverage is sponsored by Leonardo DRS.

2018 WEST Conference

David Wennergren, a managing director at Deloitte Consulting and former member of the senior executive service, discusses leadership lessons learned from Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan’s keynote at AFCEA/USNI’s WEST 2018 conference, incentivizing cultural change in the defense industry, and more during a February 2018 interview with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian in San Diego. Our coverage was sponsored by Leonardo DRS.

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