Vice Adm. John B. Nowell Jr.

Manpower and Personnel

Effective immediately, getting bumped up a paygrade for taking orders to hard-to-fill jobs is here to stay. Called “Advancement-to-Position” or A2P, the program was first announced as a pilot program for junior sailors in April. Navy officials are now saying those tests were so successful they’ve made the idea a permanent program.

Manpower and Personnel

Now, back by popular demand of sailors is the historic Torpedoman’s Mate rating title and badge — but apparently only in the submarine force. The title has been absent for submariners since 1995 when the community decided to call sailors who manage torpedo’s and their related gear Machinist’s Mate (Weapons) or MMW.

Navy News

NORFOLK, Va. — The Navy has scheduled selective early retirement boards for O-5’s and O-6’s for the second year in a row. Navy officials estimate 2,500 captains and commanders will get a look by one of next month’s two boards. The  commander’s board starts Sept. 11. The captain’s board follows on Sept. 20.