

Gen. Tod D. Wolters, USAF, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander and the commander of the US European Command, discusses his priorities, combating Moscow’s disinformation, the recent intercept of Russian aircraft, and the deploy of 1,000 additional troops to Poland with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the 2019 Paris Air Show where our coverage is sponsored by Bell and Leonardo DRS.


Read the report — In Arming for Deterrence, Gen. Sir Richard Shirreff and Maciej Olex-Szczytowski examine the threat posed by a resurgent Russia before considering NATO’s strategy and posture, focusing particularly on its northeast region: Poland and the Baltic states. The report then considers the implications for Poland and recommends how Poland’s defense apparatus and posture should be reformed to take account of the new reality: That NATO now faces a greater threat of war in its eastern regions than at any time since the end of the Cold War.