

The US Air Force, Army, and Navy are currently debating the importance of integrating the US Space Force into the structure of the armed forces.
But the current debate belies a crucial point. For decades, those same services have starved space of required resources and talent. Making up for this deficit, and responding to the new directives of the president and Congress, will consume most of the Space Force’s efforts for years. The service is going to start small and undermanned.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guests Michael Bayer, the chairman of the Defense Business Board and the president of the Dumbarton Strategies consultancy, and Arnold Punaro, the chairman of the National Defense Industrial Association and CEO of the Punaro Group consultancy discuss the ongoing presidential transition and how to best accomplish the monumental task of a peaceful transition of power. 


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guest Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and International Studies discusses Russia’s recent anti-satellite test during which larger spacecraft deployed a smaller one, implications of a new generation of ground- as well as space-based weapons, how to deter adversaries from attacking US and allied space assets, update on Space Force legislation and budget, and a look ahead to CSIS’ “State of the Space Industrial Base 2020” event at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, July 28 with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. Event Registration required–link.


Washington no longer has the luxury of unnecessary duplication of capabilities, programs of incremental value, systems that are vulnerable or cause more logistical headaches than they solve. 

The reassessment of America’s legacy platforms, concepts of operations and assumptions must be clinical, empirical and unsentimental. 

Anything that poses novel and costly problems for our adversaries, holds their forces at risk, heightens their uncertainty or complicates every element of their planning deserves to be prioritized. Anything that doesn’t should be sacrificed to free resources for what will. 

Cyber Report

On this week’s Cyber Report, Carolyn Kwieraga, the director of enterprise services at Northrop Grumman Mission Systems’ Cyber and Intelligence Mission Solutions, discusses the implementation of the Pentagon’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification to improve cybersecurity across the defense industrial base with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. The weekly Cyber Report and our cyber coverage are sponsored by Northrop Grumman.

Cyber Report

On this week’s Cyber Report, Patrick Cronin, PhD, the chair for Asia-Pacific Security at the Hudson Institute, discusses China and 5G technology and cyber risks with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. Northrop Grumman sponsors the Cyber Report and our cyber coverage.

RNDF 2019

Alan Pellegrini, the CEO of Thales North America, discusses how the company is meeting the US Defense Department’s new cyber security standards and artificial intelligence market growth with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the 2019 Reagan National Defense Forum where our coverage was sponsored by Boeing and Leonardo DRS. Northrop Grumman sponsors our weekly Cyber Report and our cyber coverage.

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