Cyber Report

On this week’s Cyber Report, sponsored by Northrop Grumman, Philip Niedermair, the managing director of strategic alliances for the Whiteford, Taylor & Preston law firm who also the CEO of the National Cyber Group and chairs the private sector committee at the Army Cyber Institute, discusses the Maker Movement that is mobilizing the worldwide tech and cyber community to print masks and ventilator parts during the coronavirus pandemic with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. Northrop Grumman also sponsors our broader cyber coverage.


Welcome to the DEFAERO Andy Marshall Strategy Series, our weekly discussion with leading thinkers on security, business and technology, sponsored by Bell. Our series is named after Andy Marshall, one of America’s greatest strategic minds, to mark the one year anniversary of his passing. Our guest is Adm. Scott Swift, USN (ret.), former commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, President of the Swift Group and a Robert E Wilhelm Fellow at the MIT Center for International Studies on the importance of strategy in a world that moves from crisis to crisis, US-China relations, COVID-19 budget impacts, naval force structure, leadership and much more.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guest are Harlan Ullman, PhD, a Vietnam-era Swift boat commander, senior advisor at the Atlantic Council and current industry CEO, Cmdr. Guy “Bus” Snodgrass, USN (retired), CEO of Defense Analytics and author of the new book Holding the Line: Inside Trump’s Pentagon with Secretary Mattis and Chris Servello, a founder of Provision Advisors (and Defense and Aerospace team member) on the investigation surrounding the crisis onboard aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, as well as on-going questions surround Navy culture and leadership.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guest is  Bryan McGrath of The Ferrybridge Group on unsafe and unprofessional naval interactions, President’s Trump’s tweet signaling a change in how the US might handle future interactions with Iran and the effectiveness and legitimacy of passing policy via social media.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guest is Brig. Gen. John Rafferty, US Army, director of of the US Army’s cross-functional long-range precision fires team, on COVID-19 impacts, the future of long-range weapons and hypersonic weapons, developing systems with joint and industry partners, as well as staying ahead of US adversaries. 


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guest are Byron Callan of the independent equity research firm Capital Alpa Partners and in segment two, Patrick Cronin, PhD, the chair for Asia-Pacific Security at the Hudson Institute and film producer and Hong Kong democracy activist Andrew Duncan. Callan discusses today’s Pentagon press briefing by the DoD’s acquisition chief Ellen Lord, who said she expects to see delays in major defense programs due to COVID-19  disruptions. Cronin and Duncan discuss China’s recent assertive actions across Asia and how Washington and its allies should respond.


Welcome to the DEFAERO Andy Marshall Strategy Series, our weekly discussion with leading thinkers on security, business and technology, sponsored by Bell. Our series is named after Andy Marshall, one of America’s greatest strategic minds, to mark the one year anniversary of his passing. Our guest is Eliot Cohen, Dean of Johns Hopkins SAIS and former Counselor of the Department of State.

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