Cyber Report

On this week’s Cyber Report, sponsored by Northrop Grumman, Chris Inglis, Distinguished Visiting Professor in Cyber Security Studies at the U.S. Naval Academy and a Commissioner on the Cyber Solarium Commission discusses and  Josh O’Sullivan, chief technology officer for the Annapolis-based cyber defense and digital transformation company Ardalyst discuss the DoD’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model in the wake of the Solar Winds attack and as the Biden Administration begins to focus on government-wide cyber security. 


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Bryan Rosselli, the vice president of strategic missile defense at Raytheon Technologies, discusses the global missile threat, the architecture needed to counter a new generation of long-range and hypersonic weaponry, international cooperation, the role of lasers and rail guns in layered defense networks and more with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this Washington Roundtable episode of the Defense & Aerospace Report Podcast, sponsored by Bell, our guests in segment one are Michael Bayer, former chairman of the Defense Business Board and the president of the Dumbarton Strategies consultancy, and Arnold Punaro, the chairman of the National Defense Industrial Association and CEO of the Punaro Group consultancy to discuss the ongoing presidential transition and how to best accomplish the monumental task of a peaceful transition of power.
In segment two, our roundtable guests are Dov Zakheim, PhD, former DoD comptroller, now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Dr Gordon Adams, the senior White House budget official for national security during the Clinton administration who is now a distinguished fellow at the Quincy Institute and the Stimson Center as well as an American University professor emeritus, Michael Herson, President and CEO, American Defense International, Byron Callan of the independent equity research firm Capital Alpha Partners and Mackenzie Eaglen of the American Enterprise Institute.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Lt. Gen. Dave Deptula, USAF Ret., the dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, and Lt. Col. Dakota Wood, USMC Ret., senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, discuss the commentary on readiness and modernization by Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown that ran in the Washington Post on Feb. 1 with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.

Cyber Report

On this week’s Cyber Report, sponsored by Northrop Grumman, Suzanne Spaulding, the senior advisor for homeland security and director of the Defending Democratic Institutions project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, discussed cyber priorities for the Biden administration, Russia’s SolarWinds attack and how the United States should respond at home and to Moscow, deeper public-private partnerships, and how to fight disinformation and domestic extremism with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell,Rear Adm. Paul Schlise, USN, the US Navy’s surface warfare director, and Maj. Gen. Tracy King, USMC, the service’s director of expeditionary warfare, discuss how the Navy will regain program management credibility as it embarks on a series of new warship programs, the need for reliability and maintainability in future platforms, distributed Marine operations and the need for the Light Amphibious Warship, mine countermeasures and more with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. Our coverage of the Surface Navy Association’s virtual annual meeting was sponsored by Fincantieri Marinette Marine, GE Marine and Leonardo DRS. We are an SNA media partner.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Dr. Thomas Mahnken, the president of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, and Roger Zakheim, the director of the Ronald Reagan Institute, discuss their collaborative report — “America’s Strategic Choices: Defense Spending in a Post-COVID-19 World” — warning of the consequences of cutting Pentagon spending with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.

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