On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Sam Bendett of the Center for Naval Analyses discusses Russia’s incremental advances on Bakhmut, the largest tank on tank engagement in Europe since the Battle of Kursk and why Russia was routed by Ukrainian forces, what Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu’s visit to the front, claims by Wagner Group’s Yevgeny Prigozhin that his force isn’t able to advance because it can’t get enough ammunition, Belarus ramps up drone production to help Moscow as it gets harder to buy DJI commercial quad copters in Russia; and our producer Chris Servello discusses the messaging challenges facing the Biden administration as it prepares to submit it’s defense budget request — expected at about $850 billion — to Congress March 13, the potential perils of a defense budget nearing a trillion dollars as American question the state of the nation’s infrastructure and debt, and a look at the week ahead with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Todd Harrison, who leads Metrea Strategic Insights — the think tank within the innovative defense and aerospace company — who remains affiliated with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, discusses expectations as the Biden administration prepares to submit its 2024 budget request to Congress, how much will be requested as well as spending priorities, the impact of debt ceiling deliberations and ways to avoid a devastating default, the prospect for a full-year continuing resolution, and the perils of innovation theater with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. 


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Sam Bendett of the Center for Naval Analyses discusses Russia’s war on Ukraine on the conflict’s first anniversary, the prospect that the Wagner Group will have competition, new generation of US drones heading to Ukraine, and lessons Moscow has learned from the war; and Bryon Callan of the independent Washington research firm Capital Alpha Partners on inflation, war lessons and budget expectations, and a look at the week ahead with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. 


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Sabra Horne, an NSA and CISA veteran who is now the entrepreneur in residence at the BMNT consultancy, discusses efforts to accelerate US government and Pentagon innovation efforts are bearing fruit, where progress is being made, why real innovation is more than just technology but culture change and personnel practices, how to speed the process, the role of the Office of Personnel Management in crafting a talent management system that rewards prudent risk taking, and luring new talent to government service at a time when working for private industry is increasingly more lucrative with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Dr David Asher, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute think tank and one of the world’s leading experts on sanctions, discusses the efficacy of the unprecedented sanctions imposed on Russia in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine and how lessons from the harsh sanctions on Tehran can help ratchet up pressure on Moscow; Sam Bendett of the Center for Naval Analyses discusses the latest on the Russo-Ukrainian war, the Marker UGV’s debut, that Vladimir Putin remains in charge; and whether Russia’s expected offensive has already started; and Byron Callan of the independent Washington research firms Capital Alpha Partners on earnings takeaways and share buybacks, Mercury Systems’ future, the implications of China’s spy balloon overflight and a look at the week ahead with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. 


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Chris Servello, our producer who is a retired Navy public affairs officer and co-founder of the Provision Advisors PR firm, discusses lessons in the wake of the controversy caused by a draft email by Gen. Mike Minnehan, the commander of the Air Mobility Command, urging his force to improve its warfighting focus, Sam Bendett of the Center for Naval Analyses discusses the latest on Russia’s war on Ukraine including new Marker UGV as well as Israel’s drone attacks on Iran; Byron Callan of the independent Washington research firm firm Capital Alpha Partners with a look at the week ahead; and Laura Winter, the host of The Downlink, our space podcast, discusses the global great power game on ground stations with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.


On this episode of the DefAero Report Daily Podcast, sponsored by Bell, Vice Adm. Bill Galinis, USN, the commander of the Naval Sea Systems Command, discusses inflation, supply chain, attracting as well as training and retaining talent, the need for a national approach to building better technical trade skills, lessons from Russia’s war on Ukraine, building better battle damage repair skills, increasing both public and private shipbuilding and repair capacity, incentivizing speed through better contracts, lessons from recent shipbuilding programs that will improve upcoming destroyer, cruiser, amphibious and submarine development programs; and the cohosts of the Cavas Ships podcast — our Contributing Editor Chris Cavas and our Producer Chris Servello — with a recap of the Surface Navy Association’s national symposium and tradeshow with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. We are an SNA media partner and our coverage was sponsored by HII and GE Marine, a GE Aerospace company.

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