Commercialization of Hypersonic Air Transport


Driving Down the Cost of Military Applications of Hypersonic Technology

By Kevin W. Billings OBE

Hypersonic technology, defined as speeds exceeding Mach 5 (approx. 3,800 mph), has captured significant attention across the world due to its immense potential in revolutionizing air travel. Moreover, with the promise of faster, more efficient, and highly maneuverable platforms, hypersonics hold the key to transforming military operations. In 2021, the US Department of Defense identified hypersonics modernizations as one of its highest priorities (Vergun, 2021). At that time Mark White, the principal director for hypersonics, outlined a modernization strategy to accelerate the development and delivery of hypersonic warfighting capabilities, including:

Developing air-, land-, and sea-launched, conventionally armed hypersonic strike weapons
Using comprehensive, layered defeat of an adversary’s tactical hypersonic strike missile
Utilizing reusable, hypersonic systems for intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and strike (Vergun, 2021)

By integrating unmanned commercial hypersonic concepts into its fleet, the US military can significantly enhance its capabilities against increasingly robust and sophisticated layered enemy air defense systems. Hypersonic platforms can provide increased speed, range, and maneuverability, enabling more efficient and effective missions. Hypersonic air vehicles offer unparalleled strike capabilities, allowing them to deliver a wide range of payloads with exceptional precision and devastating power. Their unmatched speed enables quick deployment and response times, reducing vulnerability windows and enhancing the element of surprise.

The exceptional maneuverability of hypersonics allows for dynamic target engagement and potentially offers improved stealth capabilities. The ability to rapidly change their flight path to adjust their attack angle or target priority allows hypersonic air vehicles to better avoid detection, maximize effectiveness against multiple targets or time-sensitive objectives, adapt to evolving battlefield conditions, and exploit vulnerabilities in enemy defenses all of which lead to a higher probability of mission success. This unpredictability significantly enhances their survivability as it makes it extremely challenging for adversaries to accurately predict their movements and effectively engage surface-to-air missiles or other defensive measures.

Able to penetrate heavily fortified areas that would otherwise be inaccessible to conventional aircraft, these vehicles can navigate through complex air defense networks, bypassing or neutralizing enemy anti-aircraft systems. This capability is particularly crucial where potential adversaries have invested heavily in advanced A2/AD systems designed to deny access to foreign forces. Hypersonic air vehicles can provide a means to overcome these defenses and strike with precision high-value targets deep within enemy territory.

Beyond strike capabilities, hypersonic air transport has the potential to serve as a force multiplier, enhancing military capabilities through rapid deployment and increased operational efficiency. Hypersonics can bridge vast distances, providing the military with the ability to project power and respond swiftly to emerging threats. This rapid deployment capability enables military forces to respond swiftly to emerging threats, conduct time-sensitive operations, and reinforce critical areas with minimal delay particularly in the Pacific region where vast distances and remote territories are common. By reducing travel times, logistical challenges associated with long-distance deployments are minimized. This efficiency translates into enhanced mission readiness, as resources can be deployed more effectively and with greater flexibility. By leveraging these capabilities, military forces can achieve a higher level of operational tempo, maintain strategic superiority, and effectively project power across vast distances.

Finally, unmanned hypersonic platforms eliminate the need for human pilots. Being unmanned not only reduces risk to personnel, but also allows vehicles to operate for extended periods compared to manned aircraft. These platforms can remain in the air longer, increasing mission endurance and reducing the need for frequent refueling or crew rotations. This extended operational capability enhances the military’s ability to conduct long-range missions or surveillance operations. Moreover, eliminating cockpit requirements allows for more streamlined and efficient designs, reducing aircraft weight and complexity, as well as freeing up space. This additional payload capacity allows for the deployment of larger and more advanced weapon systems or additional sensors for intelligence gathering.

Overall, the ability to deliver rapid response, conduct time-sensitive reconnaissance, and execute precision strikes with enhanced maneuverability makes hypersonic vehicles an attractive option for defense forces worldwide. However, the exorbitant costs associated with developing and maintaining hypersonic vehicles has hindered its widespread adoption.

In May 2023, Air Force Gen. Glen D. VanHerck testifying before the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, identified the greatest risk to the United Statesability to meet hypersonic defense challenges as the inability to change at the pace required by the strategic environment(cited in Vergun, 2023). He stated that while Russia and China continue to aggressively pursue a number of advanced capabilities, including hypersonic weapons, the inflexible, outdated processesof the United States are a greater impediment to success than many of our competitorsadvancements(cited in Vergun, 2023).

This impediment as seen in the DoDs costly, low-cadence, and slow-to-iterate testing capabilities has been recognized as a critical challenge, significantly impacting the DoDs ability to mature hypersonics technology and retain a competitive advantage(DIU, April 2023). One possible solution to drive costs down and speed up iteration timelines is the commercialization of hypersonics. By exploring collaborative partnerships with companies looking to operationalize commercial hypersonic air travel, the DoD can leverage technological advancements occurring in private industry to reduce costs in the development of hypersonic military applications. Fostering technological synergy between private industry and the military can lead to faster development cycles, technology transfer, and mutual benefits for both sectors.

This is a strategy which the US government has employed before, most notably during wartime. For instance, during World War II Boeing played a crucial role in manufacturing airplanes for military purposes. The intense demands of wartime accelerated Boeings innovation and forced the company to overcome various challenges. By working closely with the military, Boeing was able to push the boundaries of aircraft design, propulsion systems, and manufacturing techniques. This experience not only enhanced Boeings technical capabilities but also provided the company with a deep understanding of operational requirements and safety considerations, allowing it to gain significant manufacturing experience, develop advanced technologies, and establish a robust production infrastructure. As a result, Boeing was well-positioned at the close of the war to transition from military production into the commercial aviation sector. Leveraging the knowledge gained from collaborating with the military, Boeing utilized their new expertise, capacity, and established rate structure to pivot into developing and manufacturing commercial airliners. In spite of recent challenges, the partnership enabled them to create a safer, more efficient, and reliable aircraft for civilian use.

Partnering with private industry to develop and build military technology was a technique the Department of War would employ throughout World War II with multiple aircraft companies. For instance, Lockheed was heavily involved in the war effort, manufacturing various aircraft, including the iconic P-38 Lightning, which served as a versatile fighter and reconnaissance aircraft. Similarly, North American Aviation and Republic Aviation each produced several notable aircraft, such as the P-51 Mustang and P-47 Thunderbolt respectively, which became some of the most successful fighter aircraft of the war. Grumman primarily specialized in building carrier-based aircraft for the US Navy, producing aircraft like the F6F Hellcat and the TBF Avenger, which played critical roles in naval operations.

Like the US militarys partnership with Boeing, these collaborations played a significant role in the development and advancement of aviation technology, both commercially and for continued defense purposes. The strategic necessity for US military dominance motivated and accelerated technological advancements, fostered innovation, and provided valuable experience in aircraft design, manufacturing, and operational requirements enabling each of these companies to enhance their engineering capabilities, streamline production, and develop innovative manufacturing techniques. This collective initiative not only contributed to the war effort but also laid the foundation for future developments in commercial aviation.

In a parallel example, the development of the commercial nuclear power industry owes much of its evolution and success to the Navys development of nuclear-powered submarines. Through the pioneering efforts of Adm. Hyman G. Rickover, the knowledge gained from developing nuclear propulsion was applied to land-based reactors, laying the foundation for the safe and efficient use of nuclear energy in various applications, including electricity generation.

Rickover, who served for three decades as the director of Naval Reactors, oversaw the development of the first commercial nuclear power plant in the United States, Shippingport Atomic Power Station. Commissioned in 1957, Shippingport marked the beginning of a new era in energy production. Building off of Rickover’s nuclear propulsion enterprise, research efforts at Shippingport focused on improving reactor designs, enhancing safety features, and increasing efficiency. These advancements led to the development of various reactor types, such as pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs), which are widely used in commercial nuclear power plants today.

As these historic examples demonstrate, partnerships between private industry and the U.S. military can be mutually beneficial and even serve as a catalyst for technological advancements, particularly in instances where costs are significant. Like aviation and nuclear power before it, the development of hypersonic technology, and in particular hypersonic air transport, requires significant investment, research, and testing, making it a prime candidate for this type of collaboration.

Developing hypersonic flight, however, comes with its own set of technical challenges. To begin with, due to the high speeds involved, hypersonic flight generates intense heat which can cause materials to degrade, leading to structural failure. Effective thermal management systems are required to dissipate and control heat, ensuring the safety and longevity of the aircraft. Currently, advanced cooling techniques, such as active cooling or thermal barrier coatings, are being explored to address this challenge.

Along similar lines, the forces experienced during hypersonic flight put immense stress on the aircraft’s structure. Therefore, the materials used must withstand extreme aerodynamic loads, vibrations, and thermal expansion. Developing lightweight yet robust materials, such as advanced composites or ceramics, is crucial to ensure structural integrity and prevent catastrophic failures.

Finally, hypersonic air transport demands powerful and efficient propulsion systems. Traditional jet engines face limitations in terms of achieving the required speeds and fuel efficiency. Alternative propulsion technologies, such as ramjets, scramjets or turbine-based combined cycle engines, are being researched to provide the necessary thrust and efficiency for sustained hypersonic flight. These engines must be capable of operating at high speeds and altitudes while maintaining stability and reliability. Extensive research, continued development, and testing must be conducted to address these hurdles and pave the way for a safe and efficient hypersonic transportation system, each of which incurs significant costs.

While overcoming these technical challenges is critical to the development of hypersonic aircraft, specialized infrastructure and testing facilities are also necessary for both the effective military application and the successful commercialization of hypersonic air transport. Therefore, more than just the complex engineering required to achieve hypersonic speeds or the need for advanced materials and cutting-edge propulsion systems, costs are driven upwards by the specialized infrastructure necessary for the rigorous testing and validation processes required for hypersonic development. The commercialization of hypersonic air travel would require the further development of extensive infrastructure, including launch facilities, maintenance centers, and support systems, adding to the financial burden. Therefore, the development and maintenance of hypersonic vehicles will involve significant financial investment from both the military and private sectors.

These high costs are limiting access to potential hypersonic vehicles available for military applications. To address this limitation, commercialization of hypersonic air vehicles can play a crucial role in making this technology more accessible and affordable. The commercial sector’s focus on cost-efficiency and competition can drive innovation and optimization, resulting in more affordable hypersonic platforms, while the shared use of these infrastructures by commercial and military entities can significantly reduce costs. Military forces can benefit from existing commercial infrastructure, avoiding the need to build dedicated facilities, resulting in substantial cost savings. Moreover, mass production of hypersonic vehicles for commercial purposes can result in economies of scale, reducing the overall production cost. By leveraging the commercial market’s demand for hypersonic air travel, defense contractors can benefit from increased production volumes, leading to cost savings through bulk purchases of materials and components. These savings can be passed on to military applications, making hypersonic technology more affordable for defense forces. Similar to previous partnerships therefore, collaboration between commercial aerospace companies and defense contractors can leverage shared resources, expertise, and funding, thereby reducing the financial burden on military organizations.

The commercialization of hypersonic air travel holds immense potential for driving down the cost of military applications of hypersonic technology. By leveraging the commercial sector’s research, development, and infrastructure, defense forces can benefit from cost reductions, economies of scale, and technology transfer. However, challenges such as security concerns and the dual-use nature of the technology must be addressed through robust regulations and international cooperation. The path to affordable hypersonic military platforms lies in strategic collaboration between commercial and military entities, fostering innovation and unlocking the full potential of hypersonic technology.

In response to the challenges hypersonics present, the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) issued its first hypersonics solicitation in September 2022 to prototype a suite of modern, low-cost, high-cadence, dual-use airborne testing platforms. Known as the Hypersonic and High-Cadence Airborne Testing Capabilities (HyCAT) initiative, the solicitation received more than 62 project solutions from commercial companies and resulted in three contract grants (DIU, April 2023).

The HyCAT initiative will utilize commercial flight test capabilities to expand the DoDs high-speed flight test capacity, accelerating the evaluation of potential weapon system concepts, technologies, and mission sets. Major Ryan Weed, PhD, a program manager in the DIUs space portfolio, notes that the project represents a paradigm shift in viewing the hypersonic realm as a place for aircraft, not just missiles and weapons(DIU, April 2023).

While this initiative represents a start, by wholeheartedly embracing hypersonic integration the DoD can attract new companies and foster innovation in the field of hypersonic aircraft. Encouraging public-private partnerships can foster collaboration between commercial aerospace companies and defense contractors. Similar to the commitment made during World War II to aircraft production, the DoD’s investment in hypersonic technology would stimulate research and development (R&D), leading to breakthroughs in materials, propulsion systems, and guidance technologies, helping to drive down the cost of military applications and facilitating technology transfer from the commercial sector to the military. By leveraging advancements made in areas such as materials science, propulsion systems, and aerodynamics, defense forces can reduce their R&D costs and accelerate the development of hypersonic platforms. This commitment would not only benefit the military but also drive advancements in commercial hypersonic applications, such as high-speed transportation and space exploration.

Seizing the lead in hypersonic technology presents significant economic opportunities for the United States. By attracting new companies and fostering a robust hypersonic industry, the DoD can create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and maintain a competitive edge in the global market. The commercial applications of hypersonic technology, such as rapid intercontinental travel, could revolutionize transportation and open up new avenues for economic development. By investing in hypersonic integration, the DoD can position the United States as a leader in this emerging industry, reaping both military and economic benefits.

In an era of evolving threats, maintaining strategic deterrence is of utmost importance. Hypersonic vehicles offer a unique advantage in this regard. Their ability to strike targets with unprecedented speed and accuracy can deter potential adversaries and ensure national security. By fully integrating hypersonic vehicles into its long-range strike strategy, the DoD can send a clear message to adversaries, reinforcing the United States’ commitment to maintaining a strong defense posture. This commitment is crucial for military superiority, technological advancement, economic opportunities, and strategic deterrence. Moreover, by embracing hypersonic technology, the DoD can attract new companies, foster innovation, and position the United States as a global leader in this field. Just as the DoD’s commitment to aircraft production during World War II revolutionized warfare, a similar commitment to hypersonic integration will shape the future of long-range strike capabilities, benefiting both military and commercial sectors.


Defense Innovation Unit. (2023, April 18). DIU awards first contracts for prototyping low-cost, high-cadence, long endurance testing of hypersonic systems.

Vergun, David. (2021, February 27). Defense officals outline hypersonics development strategy. U.S. Department of Defense.

Vergun, David. (2023, May 10). General says countering hypersonic weapons is imperative. U.S. Department of Defense.


About the Author: Kevin Billings OBE is CEO of Legation Strategies and is a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Power.  He was appointed by President George W. Bush as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Environment, Safety and Occupational Health, and later served as Assistant Secretary for Installations, Environment and Logistics.  Additionally, he is an Honorary Group Captain in the Royal Air Force and a member of 601 (County of London) Squadron.  Kevin currently leads the Global Air Forces Climate Change Collaboration, an alliance of 51 Air Forces sharing best practices and lessons learns to better enable air and space operations in a climate constrained environment.

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