Defense & Aerospace Technology Report [Sep 20, 23] Dr. Maciej Klemm of Anti-Drone Company APS & Rob Basset Cross of AI Firm Adarga


On this week’s Technology Report, Dr. Maciej Klemm, the CEO and founder of APS — a Polish company that makes some of the most successful anti-drone systems operating in Ukraine — discusses magnitude of the drone war, the nature of the threat, blending kinetic and non kinetic technologies, and the need to innovate quickly as threats change; and Rob Basset Cross, the founder and CEO of British AI software firm Adarga, discusses the need to apply AI to help make sense of ever increasing amounts of data to help decision makers, the role of public-private partnerships needed to deliver capability quickly, and role of training and culture change to ensure leaders better understand AI and its role with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian.

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