
DSEI 2019

Maj. Gen. Mats Helgesson, SweAF, the commander of the Swedish Air Force, discusses the nearly 50 percent defense spending increase approved recently by Sweden’s government, improving warfighting skills and readiness, and cooperating with the UK on developing a replacement for the Gripen fighter with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the DSEI conference and tradeshow in London. Our coverage is sponsored by L3 Harris and Leonardo DRS and in partnership with Clarion Events — DSEI’s organizer — and working with the UK Department of International Trade’s Defence & Security Organisation to bring our audience the best in British defense.


Charlie McCullough, the director of maritime business development at BAE Systems, discusses the 10-tube version of the Virginia Payload Module that will equip future Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarines with a greater range of capabilities from strike to reconnaissance to cargo with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. The interview was conducted at the Navy League’s 2019 Sea Air Space conference and tradesheow near Washington where our coverage was sponsored by GE Marine, Huntington Ingalls Industries and Leonardo DRS.