DIAC 2019

Gen. Philippe Lavigne, French Air Force, the chief of the French Air Force, discusses the lessons from Iran’s recent attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities, the SCAF future combat air system France is developing with Germany and Spain, ensuring interoperability, and recruiting and retention with Defense & Aerospace Report’s Editor Vago Muradian at the Dubai International Air Chiefs conference in Dubai. Our coverage Dubai Air Show coverage is sponsored by Leonardo DRS.


Manuel Navarrete, the Director of the European Counter Terrorism Centre, discusses his organization’s upcoming report on European terrorism, the challenges of tracking returning ISIS fighters, countering terrorism over the long term, and more effectively communicating to dissuade European citizens from either joining terror groups or participating in terror operations with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. The interview was conducted after Navarrete spoke at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism.


Gen. Philippe Lavigne, French Air Force, the chief of the French Air Force, discusses the priorities for his force, capabilities needed for high-intensity operations, lessons learned from recent missions in Africa and against ISIS, his requirements for the new French-German-Spanish combat aircraft program — also known as SCAF — and cooperation with the United States and Britain. With Defense & Aerospace Report’s Editor Vago Muradian. The interview was conducted at the 2019 Paris Air Show where our coverage was sponsored by Bell and Leonardo DRS.


Wil Van Gemert, Europol’s deputy director general who leads the organization’s operations directorate, discusses terrorism, organized and cyber crime trends with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the EU’s annual defense and security conference in Washington, sponsored by the EU and Foreign Policy.