Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft

AUSA 2019

Keith Flail, the vice president for advanced vertical lift systems at Bell, gives Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian a tour of the company’s 360 Invictus helicopter developed for the US Army’s Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft at the Association of the United States Army’s 2019 annual meeting in Washington, DC. Our AUSA coverage is sponsored by GM Defense, Bell, L3Harris and Leonardo DRS.

AUSA 2019

Lynn Morgan, the chief test pilot at AVX Aircraft, and Matthew Steenman, the chief engineer at the aviation services sector at L3Harris, discuss their joint proposal to win the US Army’s Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft contract and a walkaround of the model of the new helicopter with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the Association of the United States Army’s 2019 conference and tradeshow in Washington, DC. Our coverage was sponsored by GM Defense, Bell, L3Harris and Leonardo DRS.

AUSA 2019

Maj. Gen. David Francis, US Army, the commanding general of the US Army Aviation Center of Excellence, discusses future operating concepts and sustainment, Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft capabilities, what a replacement for CH-47 Chinook would look like, and more with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at the Association of the United States Army’s 2019 conference and tradeshow. Our coverage is sponsored by GM Defense, Bell, L3 Harris and Leonardo DRS.


Keith Flail, the vice president for advanced vertical lift systems at Bell, and Frank Lazzara, the company’s director for advanced vertical lift systems sales and strategy, discuss the 360 Invictus helicopter the company will propose in the US Army’s competition for a Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian at Bell’s Advnaced Vertical Lift Center in northern Virginia. Flail is a retired US Army lieutenant colonel who flew the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior and Lazzara is a reitred US Air Force lieutenant colonel who started his career in the Army flying Kiowas before joining the Air Force to fly the MH-53 Pave Low and MV-22 Osprey aircraft.

AAAA 2019

Luke Savoie, president of L3 Technologies Surveillance and Strike Systems, discusses the company’s partnership with AVX and the merits of the aircraft the two have developed to pursue the US Army’s Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft program, otherwise known as the Capability Set 1 of the service’s Future Vertical Lift effort with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. The interview was conducted at the Army Aviation Association of America’s annual conference and tradeshow in Nashville, Tenn., where our coverage was sponsored by Bell and Leonardo DRS.