Air Power

Air Power

The Collaborative Combat Aircraft promises to redefine how the U.S. Air Force flies and fights. But what is it, and how do we get from here to there? The author of a new report on CCAs, Gregory Allen, director of the Wadhwani Center for AI and Advanced Technology at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, join us with some of the answers. And of course, we have headlines in airpower. Thanks, GE!

Air Power

The US Air Force has sunk a Navy ship — with a new anti-ship weapon launched from a B-2. We’ll get into the implications with the Sagamore Institute’s Dr. Jerry Hendrix, a retired US Navy captain, naval aviator and strategist. And CSIS’s Dr. Tom Karako comes by to update us on the latest in air and missile defense around the world. Plus the top headlines in airpower. Powered by GE!

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