AS2 Supersonic Business Jet

GE Aviation’s Mottier, Lockheed Martin’s Weiss on Aerion AS2 Supersonic Business Jet Collaboration
Brad Mottier, vice president and general manager for business and general aviation & integrated systems at GE Aviation, and Rob Weiss, executive vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin’s aeronautics advanced development programs (also known as Skunk Works), discuss contributions to the aircraft, design and engineering challenges, and more during a Dec. 15, 2017, interview with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. The interview was conducted following a joint press conference at the National Press Club in Washington.

Aerion’s Bass on AS2 Supersonic Business Jet Partnership with Lockheed Martin, GE Aviation
Robert Bass, chairman of the Aerion Corporation and president of the Keystone Group, discusses the company’s partnership with Lockheed Martin and GE Aviation to develop the AS2 business jet, a supersonic, Mach 1.4 aircraft, during a Dec. 15, 2017, interview with Defense & Aerospace Report Editor Vago Muradian. The interview was conducted following a joint press conference at the National Press Club in Washington.

Aerion’s Tracy on the Science Behind the AS2 Supersonic Business Jet
Richard Tracy, PhD, chief technology officer at the Aerion Corporation, discusses the engineering behind the AS2 supersonic business jet, which the company is developing in partnership with Lockheed Martin and GE Aviation, during a Dec. 15, 2017, interview with Vago Muradian. The interview was conducted after a joint press conference at the National Press Club in Washington.